Queer Love Celebration at Jordan Park
Four days and nights of connection, awareness in the peaceful bosom of Mother Nature…
Queer Magic was born out of a vision.
We dreamed of a place where we could be ourselves – put on the feathers, wear the glitter, draw us a mustache and put on our heels. We thought it was most natural to do it in nature.
After dreaming, it was time to do. Little by little, an entire festival was produced, entirely about volunteering and giving to the community.
We at the production work voluntarily day and night to bring you the best content for the event. We will soon publish a schedule of workshops and parties at the event.
The workshop allows for acquaintance beyond Smalltalk. Wild curiosity means asking the questions we’re really interested in asking, and keeping a high level of alertness in conversation by directing the conversation on what’s really interesting to hear.
An experiential workshop in which we will play aloud with ourselves and with others and get to know the vast vocal knowledge that is within us – we will give it words, tools and meaning together.
What would your ability to occupy a place tell about your life? How does it feel in the body to take up space? And hide? In the workshop we will explore through words and through the body the experience of taking a place in space, being proud and not ashamed, as well as the experience of hiding, hiding and having no place. We will embrace the island of place and find how to take a place.
A workshop in which we will explore new ways of interpersonal communication. We are all used to telling the same stories about ourselves, how old I am, what I do in life, places I’ve visited, hobbies I have – this is our business card that we pull out at any given moment and in any social situation. But what other stories are hiding within us? And what other “me” is hiding inside? With the help of a radical listening technique, we will experience communication and emotional exposure with people we have just met, and we will receive tools for application in daily life.
Everyone has a gift. The point of effortlessness, your element. Where you shine without doing anything, you came with her into this world, to illuminate with her and through her your unique soul. In the workshop we will try to be precise, focus, give it space, find it, transcribe it. The tools are varied, we will use writing, movement, breathing and guided imagery exercises. The space is a heart space that wants to help you quiet the background noise, reduce your suffering when you work and dream of other people’s gifts. You need an open heart, clothes that are comfortable for you, and gifts that you want to give to others in spirit and matter
By working with the movement of the body and voice, we will allow sounds, emotions, images and experiences to rise from the depths of the subconscious to conscious expression. We will experience vocal dreaming, voice improvisation and movement. The release of primordial and hidden sounds and voices allows us to reach deep layers in the psyche, and expand our way of expression in the world.
Practicing attention and presence to the body, to the breath, to what is going on in the head, to people walking in front of me and behind me, to space, to nature – and everything at the same time. The workshop consists of one part of quiet walking in nature and a second part that allows dialogue and sharing.
The spanking workshop is a playful and safe space for exploring intimacy. Through this simple and powerful tool we will learn how to express our boundaries and desires, and on the other hand – connect to the partner’s energetic space through listening. In contrast to violence, in spanking we can respect and treasure the natural aggressiveness within us, and channel it for our own pleasure.
Since the beginning of human existence, in different cultures around the world, there has been recognition of queer uniqueness and its contribution to community. Queerness and queer people served as men of the spirit and medicine, as a bridge between the human world and the occult world… But as patriarchy began to grow and conquer the world, it set out to suppress and eliminate queer heritage and its priestesses and priestesses. Much knowledge and ancient wisdom have been lost. But not everything has been lost, and there are cultures that have managed to maintain and maintain continuity, through myths and customs, some of which we will get to know in the upcoming workshop.
An encounter with the transgender penis of all of us – the feet.
In pairs or threes, we will explore and learn together exercises and tastings from the world of Thai massage, reflexology, shibari, games of control, tread, pain, pleasure, tickling, licking and erotica from playing with the wonderful spoons.
My nudity – from infancy until today – how did it become a concealment? Reservation? To the wild? Dressed? The most natural side of me became the boldest side of me. What are the feelings that arise in me when I am naked in front of people? It is an invitation to rediscover my nudity, to celebrate it but also to go through shame, pain, excitement. It is a community and personal invitation to healing. For a shared but personal journey of removing layers, literally, towards another layer of self-perfection and acceptance of all my parts.
As a queer being, how do I feel about just being seen and heard in space? The space of a healing open stage invites you to bring yourself in any form: in story, movement, song, improvisation, performance, or simply to stand on the “stage”, with or without clothes, as you or as you choose to be, in front of loving and supportive eyes. The performative space can transform a past experience in us, turn straw into gold, or do nothing. This is not a talent show, or an open stage for entertainment. It’s a held space of performance as a tool for expression and transformation. We will ask for advance registration, attendance from start to finish, commitment to supportive and accepting attendance, and preparation of a segment of up to 7 minutes for each participant.
The belief in the storyline – identification with the interpretations we attribute to our experience – is deeply ingrained in us, in order to weaken the habit we will embark on a journey of changing our focus that will become a cinematic work and for a few hours we will change roles and adopt an identity with which we have not yet identified that will allow us a broader perspective. In the second stage, through personal expression and meetings, we will embody a new plot script assembled by the participants, all of which will be documented on video. After a day, the participants will reunite and watch the joint film.
This workshop invites us to take judgments, anger, resentment and the guilt we carry around and find the beneficial life force within them, through tools from the world of NVC. We will experiment with mild and moderate cases and discover the release of this option.
Practicing attention and presence to the body, to the breath, to what is going on in the head, to people walking in front of me and behind me, to space, to nature – and everything at the same time. The workshop consists of one part of quiet walking in nature and a second part that allows dialogue and sharing.
Let’s talk about sex as power, what it represents, what hierarchy represents, and how sex fits into that – if at all.
During the workshop we will transform each other into living works of art, while removing the elements in our lives that do not serve us, and inviting a new reality. A workshop full of color, art, creativity and deep physical and emotional exposure.
A cuddle party is actually a workshop that invites us to receive and give touch (non-sexual) in the way that is most accurate to us. In the workshop we will learn to set boundaries clearly and pleasantly, and learn how to ask for exactly the touch we want.
A workshop for those wishing to expand, learn and understand the knowledge and technique for pleasuring lingam animals – males. In the workshop they will learn massage, relaxation, activation, pleasure and healing practices. An in-depth workshop for the daring and brave who want to learn to lead male genital subjects on the right path. Part One, Going over the Anatomy and Physiology of the Male-Male Sexual System. This includes going over energetic connections and connections between the different parts of the body and emotion. After the theoretical study, there will be a live demonstration of Lingam / Testicles / Buttocks / Prostate massage and general massage. – *You can only come to the lecture and demonstration for those who are not interested in staying for practice
A workshop for those wishing to expand, learn and understand the knowledge and technique for pleasuring men. In the workshop they will learn massage, relaxation, activation, pleasure and healing practices for men. An in-depth workshop for the daring and the brave who want to learn to lead a man on the path of the king
Guided practice of buttock, anus, lingam crown, lingam-penis massage techniques, pyreneum and testicular massage, prostate massage and general massage
Learned in Part I of King’s Way.
My nudity – from infancy until today – how did it become a concealment? Reservation? To the wild? Dressed? The most natural side of me became the boldest side of me. What are the feelings that arise in me when I am naked in front of people? It is an invitation to rediscover my nudity, to celebrate it but also to go through shame, pain, excitement. It is a community and personal invitation to healing. For a shared but personal journey of removing layers, literally, towards another layer of self-perfection and acceptance of all my parts.
Learn how to cast a spell, as well as how to use magic (individually and collectively) for the purposes of activism.
What is edible forest? How to produce an abundance of food By mimicking a natural system, we will learn together about the layers of the forest, prepare cuttings, seed balls and demonstrate assemblies on trees.
Are you also annoyed that for a little kink you have to pay a lot of money for products? Think again! There are lots of things around us that we can experiment with and explore the kinkiness of. Kinky is in nature – an opening space of inquiry that will connect us in an unfamiliar form to the earth and its gifts as the coolest kinky means
Group discussions can be so exhausting! Don’t worry, in this workshop we will learn a set of simple and revolutionary tools to create a meaningful, enlivening, flowing and effective discourse.
Every day and at different times between workshops and ceremonies, we will raise the volume in the plaza with different and varied sets that will take you on a journey between different styles, from the cheerful 80’s to starry techno at night.
In many Native American cultures, queer people were considered “having two souls.” Traditionally, we were attributed a special ability to connect the material world with the spiritual world, and we were nurtured from childhood to be the shamans, medical professionals and spiritual leaders of the tribe. Queer Magic Festival is a unique opportunity to reconnect with the queer spiritual power hidden within you. To the sound of the beating of drums, we will celebrate around the sacred fire and recall once again the time when we were sanctified.
Palestine Salon
A physical space inside the Queer Magic Festival dedicated to getting to know and strengthening the solidarity of the festival participants with the Palestinian struggle for liberation from occupation, colonialism and apartheid. Together, we will learn about the intersections between the Palestinian struggle and the queer and feminist struggle.
The space will offer a safe space and gathering space for Palestinian queers and visitors with educational content, books, brochures and posters describing the local heritage of Palestinian life at the festival site and in the country as a whole before 1948. In addition, the space will host workshops and dialogue circles that will invite participants to reflect on our place, as queer Israeli, Palestinian and international women, in the struggle to decolonize the land and for justice for all its residents. We also hope that the salon will open the door to a wider range of voices to be heard within the queer Magic community.
In order to fund this space and invite Palestinian queer women for free, we have created an international fundraising campaign and we invite you to take part
What to bring?
A camping area for tents is available.
It is recommended to bring personal accommodation equipment: a tent, flashlight, sleeping bag, mattress or whatever is convenient for you.
Everything that will help you celebrate the magic with us
Our chef’s kitchen will serve two meals a day, and at Chai Shop you will find hot and cold drinks, smoothies, snowsticks, energy bars and more throughout the day.
Team of Facilitators

Chen Zvi
Facilitator for transformative group and organizational processes – from group decision-making to the creation of distributed organizations without hierarchy. Chen advises organizations and movements for social change in Israel and around the world, such as educational organizations, environmental movements and more.
Living Without Enemies | Friday 12:30-14:00
Tools for meaningful community discussion | sat 12:30-14:00

Eyal Asulin
Eyal Asulin, or Keys – chef, poet, creator and generator of events and productions more than ever. In addition, I have been teaching for five years in pre-military preparatory courses, guiding and accompanying communes and groups of one year of service and preparatory course. I give tours, seminars and ritters in pre-military frameworks. I taught creative writing, and also underwent several group facilitation courses in various frameworks. I led evenings of poetry, culture and art, and above all that, this is my gift, to go through and convey emotional processes using the tools I have. Azure Zohar – poet, touch therapist and shiatsu, cook and artist. She has hosted major cultural and poetry events, performers and participated in countless Poetry Slam evenings. We have been holding space and processes in alternative spaces together for the past two years, allowing our aquatic energy to help the processes mature and heal to materialize.
The Gift of Remembrance | Thursday 15:00-17:00

Eitan Drori as Faye
Double Ghost Devil’s Angel who performs and sings opera in drag, also known as the spanking queen of the universe Ultrasensory nonbinary alien on the continuum between Jesus, Maria Callas, Buddha, Freddie Mercury and Gandhi
hit me baby one more time | Thursday 23:00-00:30

Alon.a Yosef
Alona Yosef, performer, musician, and sound and movement artist. The main background from which I draw most of my inspiration for the workshops is the study of “voice and movement integration” at the Synapse Center. I am experienced in standing in front of an audience in performances (musical, singing mainly and theater) as well as learning (voice and Arabic development, and workshops.) Over the past year, together with queer friends, I set up a queer performance workshop in Tivon, where we experimented with vocal, movement, improvisation and performance, and we also performed at the Sheikh Abrik Festival.
Voice in motion | Thursday 15:00-17:00
See & Show | Friday 10:30-12:30

Lion of Paris
Researches and practices attention and presence alone and with friends. He lived for about a decade in a learning community in the desert. Creator and musician.
Duration Walk | Thursday 20:00-21:30, Friday 14:00-15:30

David Malka
An experimental filmmaker, exploring wakefulness in everyday life through word, body sensations and movement
Your Life in Film | Friday 10:30-14:00

Daisy Rogozinski
Practicing witch and activist. I’m involved in leading a coven and have been practicing witchcraft for multiple years.
Witchcraft Activism | sat 10:30-12:30

Lipaz Noy
Facilitator for alternative sexuality. Creates experiential spaces for learning sexuality, intimacy and eroticism. LGBTQ social worker. Sex therapist by specialty. Researcher of Tantra, Buddhism and conscious sexuality.
Exercising LGBTQ Rights | Thursday 13:30-15:00
Temple of Goddesses | Friday 23:00-01:00

Michael Finkel
Creative artist, circus man Vipassana and tango. Producer and social entrepreneur. Writes and creates content on topics of masculinity, parenting, gender, intimacy and sexuality. Teacher of “proximity communication”, content manager for conferences and communities, teaches listening, closeness and authenticity. He currently teaches at conferences, festivals and retreats of some of the most prestigious in Israel and around the world.
Safe attachment | Thursday 11:00-13:00
1+1+1 | Friday 17:30-19:00

Moshe Hajaj
Body researcher, space, queer. Facilitator of sexuality and LGBTQ.
Relationship or power? | Friday 12:30-14:00

Noga Lev
Singer-songwriter and voice teacher. Instructor of vocal expression workshops.
A Place for Sound | Wednesday 21:30-23:00

Noa Paz
Coach, podcaster, workshop facilitator, bisexual, polyamorous and more. I believe in asking questions and looking inward to find out what way works for us. Accompanies women in sharpening and achieving goals, connecting to themselves, self-love and walking the path.
Taking up space | Thursday 11:00-13:00

Noam Paz - Ananda
Interdisciplinary artist, teacher and accompanying personal and community healing and growth processes. In his work, he explores the places where spiritual growth, artistic creation and community meet. Noam was educated on the path of yoga as a child, got to meet and learn with spiritual teachers from different traditions, old and new, and discover the thread of love that is woven into all of them. Facilitates courses, workshops and ceremonies in Israel and around the world.
Queer Myths | Thursday 23:00-00:30

Noam Cohen Raz
Yoga teacher, Thai massage therapist, lactator, singer, koppa, cordial and jovial shotnik.
Queen of feet | Thursday 23:00-00:30

Ofer Danziger - Ofra
Media personality, producer, founder and co-creator of RainbowMen – an international space for workshops and spiritual journeys for the queer community.
Intuitive Stories - Stories at Heart | Thursday 11:00-13:00
Body As Art | Friday 17:30-19:00

Amichai Sharfstein
Chef and sensory artist. A holistic Mi-Ni therapist who specializes in male-male pleasure and sexuality. Facilitates workshops for sensory-physical-emotional work.
Derech Melech A | Friday 21:00-22:30
Derech Melech B | Friday 23:00-01:00

Inbar Artzi
Queer in every way possible. Establishing a Congregating Community (Women’s Queer Community*). Facilitates workshops on connecting to self and others on issues of boundaries, consent and touch.
Wild Curiosity | Wednesday 21:30-23:00
Cuddle Party | Friday 21:00-23:00

Rina Epstein
Rina Epstein – Has over 10 years of extensive experience working in organic farms and educational projects in the field of sustainability and ecology in Israel and around the world. Graduate of the Permaculture Design Course (PDC) in Africa in 2010. Guides and accompanies farmers in the process of setting up organic farms, managed the field of agriculture at “Kayma” Beit Zayit Farm. Today, she coordinates the field of agriculture at “Farm and Adam”, grows and markets the field products using the “agriculture in cooperation with the community” method and facilitates permaculture courses. She has a great passion for working with the land, people and the environment.
Seeds for Change | sat 10:30-12:30

Sagi Alsheikh
Sagi, teacher of Vinyasa Yoga, Tantra Yoga and touch therapist. Working with nudity as a therapeutic and healing tool since 2018. Researches movement and its integration with emotion. Conducts personal group and couple journeys through ecstatic, conscious and exciting encounters, with ourselves and with the environment using the tools of Tantra, yoga and psychodrama.
The Yoga of Nudity | Friday 8:00-9:30, Saturday 8:00-9:30

Tommy - Mona
An educator, a member of a cooperative community, trains staff and people to maintain safe spaces for youth. Researches queerness, love, relationships, and group life